I was nervous about taking Ruth into DC via the Metro.
She doesn't tend to do well with lots of people. I forgot about the rhythm that tracks entice. The biggest problem was that she did not wish to sit, preferring instead to stand. I imagine this increased the input, and met her needs well. I will not be so nervous in the future.
On the side, I have learned that Ruth may be old enough to be expected to stay in the area of our beach blanket, but it does not mean she will. As with a young toddler who is focused on trying to touch a fluttering butterfly, Ruth was so focused on collecting shells at the beach, she got out of my range of voice.
About a half mile of my trying to catch up to her, and she finally stopped and took in her surroundings. Ooops. She looked so afraid when she saw me huffing and puffing my way to her. "I am sorry, Mommy," she said with tears welling in her eyes. I gave her the biggest smile I could muster. I am not mad, but I didn't want to lose track of you", I explained. I realized that she was not being naughty, but instead was just following an instinct. The smile was enough to relax her mood, and our walk back was filled with giggles and chatter as she realized how far she had wandered.