oops is just not a strong enough word

It has been a long while since Ruth has had a melt down. 
So long in fact, I cannot name the last one. 
That is until yesterday morning. 

I let Jackson out, like I do every morning before I head out to work. Ruth began to cry like the dog died.
I yelled.
I mean, YELLED!
I told if she didn't knock it off, I was going to have unpleasant consequences for her. 
Like my screaming wasn't unpleasant. (enter derisive snort)
I realized my mistake as she slunk down the hall to her room.
The dog came back in, and followed me to her bedside.
I have to go to work, and she is crying still.
I ask if she wants me to lay with her a bit.
I get a sound, which indicated that probably I missed my opportunity.
I lifted my bag to leave, and heard a pat on the bed. 
I figured it was for Jackson. 
It wasn't.
It was for me.
I crawled onto the bed beside her. 
She let me wipe the tears from her face.
No apologies. 
But, forgiveness was there.
Forgiveness for her, as I realized it was not her desire to have an outburst. 
It was her anxiety getting the best of her.
Forgiveness for me, as I held her close, and sang softly to her as she began to doze.
I left her there, quietly dreaming. 

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